Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Citicorp Clowns(Who are the Elitists)?

Citicorp thought buying a $50,000,000 jet was a perk from getting a bailout and laying off employees but not according to the Obama Treasury Department...?Those of the conservative lunatic fringe aren't happy ha ha. Hey Citicorp execs fly coach like most flyers it won't hurt you uppity,elitist,meglomaniacs.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Limbaugh said republicans who support President Obama are drinking koolaid.Does Limbaugh still pop vicodin like m&ms?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Luci Johnson,(President Johnson's daughter), remarked that the Obama's show their love for each other by their expressions toward each other as they marched toward the white house.a.Why are some African-American women so suprised the Obamas are a loving couple devoted to each other &their children?b.Luci Johnson is a white woman who has a mixed-race stepson by the way.c.African-Americans aren't the only ones exclusive to having crummy family situations.d.A lot of European-American families are dysfunctional also.

hey hannity!!!!!!!!!

Enjoying the Inaugaration with O'Reilly,Christie,Coulter,Turner,Peterson,&Limbaugh?
saxby chambliss=no national healthcare plan:Hey saxby a nat.healthcare plan =socialism? I know you don't know what your'e ranting about like those congressional clowns during Clinton's 1st administration who fought against a national healthcare plan.Luda,T.I.,&Jeezy tried to get voters out against Ol'saxby but apparently most Georgians prefer plenty of conservatism.

Monday, January 19, 2009

How's it going Rush,Ann,Malkin,Hannity,Juan,Peterson,Christy,Connerly,Keyes,Thomas,Williams,Rose...Enjoying the Inaugaration Festivities?????????

Cardinals to the Superbowl

The St.Louis er,Arizona Cardinals are going to the Superbowl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!