Saturday, May 23, 2009

notre dame idiots

Hey you freaking notre dame idiots last year the holy see Pope Benedict16 blessed
President Sarkhozy of France in Europe which many of you clowns scream we don't wanna be like France etc.!Sarkhozy is pro choice!!!!!!!!!!Pope Benedict blessed him last year!!!!!!!!!Why all the bitter,vile,spiteful,ignorant clamoring that President Obama is evil for being pro choice? Faux news creates lots of ignorance.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Limburger gets what he dishes out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wanda Sykes took it to that pompous,backwoods,bag of hot air and trash,Rust Limburger
Conservative rubes who don't realize that the rich use them cried that she went too far.Hell no Limburger&faux news have had nothing but negativity for the Obamas,Acorn,progressive democrats&republicans,independents and anyone else who does not fawn over palin and nmccain.{Be for real many republicans wanted mccain to die quickly after winning if God forbid that would've happened so the "you betcha,abstinence,saks5th ave. shopaholic,I can see Russia from by window",fake down home imbecile,terrorist hunter idiot would take over as president!!!!!!!!!Oh it was okay to ridicule Michael J.Fox by Limburger for Tourettes syndrome and trash on cnbc&fox have made fun of President Obamas'aunt using a cane and insinuating that Pres.Obama dated Pres.Chavez.Rightwingers go to hell!!!!!!!!!!!