Monday, November 17, 2014

stormidae: killies

stormidae: killies: These four Aphyosemion species are from Cameroon or Gabon , neighbours on the west coast of Africa. Aphyosemion splendopleure Njen...

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

pt.1 bitch ass mutha fuckas

Puk Ass Millenials Hand nation over to NEO NAZI SEGREGATIONIST SCUM HORDE!!!!!!! Abortions to be reduced food stamps to be slashed even more workplace safety right to unionse to get trampled who paid bitch ass snowden to talk putin keep an out you bitch ass.Also npr go to hell with weekly standard fox news breitbart palin carson thomas mccain mcconnel boehner punk ass kansas governor stacy no talent dashnorris no talent nugent can go suck it and go to hell!!!!!!!!!!